I forgot about my blog! So, what's been on my mind these days? Well...school. So, here's the funniest thing I've learned about myself moving back East. I love the history of the American West. And I even think Mormon history is interesting, especially viewed in the context of what else is going on around the country. Yikes... I never thought I would even utter such a thing!
Somewhat related (

but not entirely) to that idea is the fact that I've had this guy on the brain. No, not that kind of guy... Maybe I can find a cute guy in a few weeks to enjoy the nice spring weather with, but until then, I'm stuck with this guy. This is
C. R. Savage and he took a lot of pictures in Utah and the intermountain west in the late 19th century/early 20th century. My professor got very excited about the idea of focusing on photographs he took in the year 1869. So, that's what I'll be doing. (When your professor gets that animated, AND happens to be wearing a bolo tie, you can't say no.) I will be analyzing photos like the ones below. I'm actually really loving this paper...I am that lame. I just wish I wasn't bothered with other things, like a paper on the Pan-American Exposition of 1901 in Buffalo and how the Asian exhibits there affected American decorative arts in the years after. Or finishing a museum evaluation project. And that pesky little task of finding a job. In the meantime, fun photos of Utah. From 1869.

Collection at BYU:
http://www.lib.byu.edu/dlib/savage/[I wonder why spell check doesn't like the word intermountain? Don't tell my dad... he already has a complex about the West being slighted as it is!]