Friday, August 29, 2008

Could I Have Found My Merrill Library Replacement?

For those of you who may not know, I loved the Merrill Library. I know a lot of people enjoyed the more "hip" and happening Sci-Tech but I loved the slightly dim, old Merrill. I spent a good portion of my USU years at the Merrill. Yes, I even had a locker there at the pinnacle of my college days. Needless to day, when they demolished it I shed a tear and I thought I could never love another library quite like that. Now, I still don't think I can, but I think I have found a worthy replacement. The verdict isn't in entirely because school hasn't even started, but the library here at GW (the Gelman Library), is eerily similar to the Merrill. And when I say similar, I mean similar in the antiquated carpet, bathrooms, lighting and smell. They have renovated some areas, but I was startled when i realized the chairs, the desks, the carpet, the bathroom tile, the paint, and the shelving units all looked as if they came right from the Merrill. And who knew it could smell so similar?! Well, we'll see how much I study there when it is all said and done but I finally felt a bit of comfort on a campus that is so dissimilar to USU...


Julie said...

does anyone else hear a tuba? I to spent much time at the Merrill sadly not much of it was spent studying, but good times none the less!

A said...

Remember when we sneaked ice cream in there to defy the no food rule? We were so proud of ourselves. Like anyone really cared!

Tams Family said...

Oh the Merrill Library! How we miss thee! I was also very sad when the Merrill was torn down. I'm glad you found something that is similar.

Katie M. said...

Oh my gosh!! I really do remember you practically living there, you loved it! Well, I am glad you were able to maybe find your replacement. True love :)